Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Episode # 427 - December 22nd, 2015

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Anonymous said...

This was lovely, Greg.

Happy holidays, everyone.

Paul R said...

Wonderful, Greg! YOU"RE an angel for creating that!
Happy holidays!

Don said...

Brilliant! And 100% true. I forwarded to a friend of mine who established a professional group for health care assistants who work in eldercare. She and her members will love it. Thanks Greg and Happy Holidays!

Bennett said...

For those of you who don't know who Daniel Kaufman was (see Greg's dedication just under the last panel), he was one of the workers killed in the San Bernardino attack on December 2.

For a gut-wrenching story, read about his boyfriend, Ryan Reyes and his heartbreak as the incident unfolded.


Peter said...

Nice appearance of Steve, it's (almost) like clockwork.

Remember, Christmas is just another name for a normal day. Most of the planet is NOT celebrating it.

Mark said...

Happy Holidays to you, Greg, and to all the fans of Kyle's B&B!

whiskers65 said...

Maybe others don't celebrate it Peter, but in the US a lot of us do and it's not just another name for a normal day. Happy holidays to those who do celebrate it.

Peter said...

Whiskers65, I do hope you have a great time. I as a Christmas-child am not that charmed of the day, but that's a personal opinion.

Anonymous said...

That was NICE. Thank you Greg Fox.

WranglerMan said...

Thank you, Greg. I love the message that Steve brought. It's timely. So many people who help others need to hear that they are loved. I'll be sure to do that.

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

It is this one episode that I look forward to every year. And this may be the best one yet. Indeed, the work of people like Tim mean there are angels on earth every single day. Love to the Kyle's family of readers, and to you Greg.

Matt in the inland empire, California

Anonymous said...

