Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Episode # 515 - May 21st, 2019

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Karmakat said...

bear bitch alert in the neighborhood...

RBS7079 said...

....UH-oh, I may go off on a tangent, here, kids, so humor me, if you will....

I used to play / DJ Club Music in the 90's / 00's and worked for a MAJOR remixer / producer, who've since passed away, for his record label ('99-'05) and this particular clique of Men was VERY present in the day ('94-'05)..I've wondered about them. from time to time, and, now that I'm Older, I can't say I miss them (or that scene) much...or AT ALL.

Richard (who's not any better, to an extent, saying they've 'aged out', with Pink hair and frosted tips, and using sexy Drew to get back at them, with seething jealousy) should have reflected more on his OWN personal growth, knowing that's not the type of genuine people to hang with, and thank them, for being in his life.

If you notice, Oct threw Rudy 'shade', and THAT would've been reason to speak up...BUT, I feel Rich's insecurities got the best of him, here, and he remembered Oct's clique standing...LONG AGO.

I was never the 'cool' type, so, at my age, I like my close Friends, my FIT body, my openly Gay life(style), My elder-gays, and mySELF, to know who I let in MY life, & who's not gonna bring ME down with self-hating Gay toxicity... I'm too COOL for that, bubby...

I think I'll plant some tomatoes...with my 29 YO Personal trainer boyfriend!! ...that way we can shower afterwards... ; )


RBS7079 said...

....YIKS, I meant to say, 'not the type of people to hang with, and to THANK the GENUINE people, in his (Richard's) life..'

...I guess I was distracted by the forthcoming shower! heh-heh...🚿


Unknown said...

I absolutely love this turn of events. That is all.

-- Thom H.

ethan2chris said...

I went to high school in Locust Valley. It's bemusing to think that a Gold Party could be held there nowadays.

It was a very different world back then, which just reminds us how swiftly we have pursued the acculturation of gay life in American culture.

Jack said...

another useless episode


RBS7079 said...

....HEY, where's the next ep? ....I need a Hot Leg, or FIVE! ...ha-HAA!! ; )