Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Episode # 556 - December 29th, 2020

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Tim said...

Oooooh, Mannis is a wee bit furry. Hoot mon. :)

RBS7079 said...

...well, NOW I see why Mannis won the 'Person Of The Year' contest...sexual Insatiability usually trumps EVERYTHING!! ...I should KNOW!! ...ha-HAAA!!🤭

...Although Jeremy & Mannis are just 'dating', what IS Mannis reaaly HERE for!? ...He was supposedly a carpenter (who became a Youtube sensation, because of his looks),then, came to the USA to scope out the Job market for more lucrative Carpentry work....NOW he wants to be a DRUMMER!?

...AND, is this going to mean Mannis will go BACK to Scotland, if he's good enough for Northport!? ..I know he has youth on his side, but, he seems to 'roam' a bit....

...Oh, WELL, judging by those rumples SHEETS, He knows how to 'roam'...and, ROMP!!😈 ..JEREMY thinks so, is he 'pitchin' Tent'!?? (panel 1) ...ha-HAAA!!"🎪"

..let's enjoy the LAST strip of 2020, THANK TOY Greg, for all the Kilts, warm Pancakes, Weddings, Hot Legs, Big Tits, and, Jeremy's 'afterglow', ha-HAA!!"🥴" >talkaboutbangthatdrum<

..Happy New Year, all, CHOW!!🥳

Scandia said...

Sweet... A bed scene! Naked Mannis! Yummy! Poir Jeremy... Looks like the house need to invest in ear plugs... Lol

Unknown said...

When it comes to bagpipes all I can say is 1000 years ago, the Irish invented the bagpipes and gave them to the Scots. The scots still haven't caught on to the joke.

Don said...

Sadl, but well placed "MMM-Hmmm" balloon!! Love your work Greg! Happy New Year to you and all the guys!

RBS7079 said...


...'MMM-Hmmmm', looks like YOU got a keen eye, TOO, 'eh, Donny!?? ...ha-HAA!! ...YOU stay well in 2021, healthy forever, and, let's see MORE of you here, 'K!?? 😚


Unknown said...

@unknown LOL about bagpipes. Although I hear enough Irish troops as well. I told my hubby that it's fine if he decides to have bagpipes at a memorial for me (years from now) because that's the only time I will truly be able to show them my appreciation.

Nice bubble-placement, Kyle... harrumph

Jack said...

two bottoms can not be together. especially when neither is packing


Az said...

That's not how relationships work, Jack. People are more complex than being categorized as bottoms or tops.

Jack said...


too bad gay people don't know that. to them if you're a top then you are deemed a real man. it's psychotic but that's the way that it is

WranglerMan said...

"NOW he wants to be a DRUMMER!?"

RBS7079, must I explain everything to you? Mannis is joining a Fife & Drums Corps...not starting a new career. Don't you belong to any organizations? I can just imagine you with the Elks! 😳

Mannis is the perfect Man of the Year! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 I just love Highlanders! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

To Greg Fox, RB7079, and to all my fellow readers of this great strip (And I'm glad the men are finally stripping again!😍)...A very healthy and happy New Year! 😘🥳😘🥳

RBS7079 said...

@ Wrangerlamn:

"...Don't you belong to any organizations? I can just imagine you with the Elks!"

...are they Hot!?? 🤔...ha-HAAA!!

AAAAAAAAL-right, I know Sir Mannis is JOINING a Corps, but, I wanna know MORE about why this Kid is hangin' around the B&B... As YOU know, there are MANY exciting characters here, and keeping with the festive New Years' Eve spirit, I hope that Greg can have more storylines that show ALL the Guys (& gals!,)having more exciting, growing & changing chapters in their lives, for OUR enjoyment...

..For, positive CHANGE in Oneself, with NO animosity, antagonizing 'mindsets', and GROWTH, shows a TRUE person's 'character', and lets US become more invested in them...and, CLOSER to them....THAT way, they can be more included in the 'conversation'....

....ah, SCRATCH that... more Tits n' ASS in 2021, I'm OLD! ...ha-HAAA!! ..'Wrangle' in a Buckin' Bronco, in 2021, OK!? ..I'LL snag a 'Highlander' ....they have nuthin' under THEIR Kilts, right!? 😋

...MEOW!! 😸...Ha-HAAA, Happy NEW-YEAHHHH!! ..you TOO, Sir Greg!!

WranglerMan said...


".'Wrangle' in a Buckin' Bronco, in 2021, OK!?"

You could have me in a sling! 😘

Unknown said...
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