Saturday, December 11, 2021

VOTE NOW for the Kyle's B&B PERSON of the YEAR for 2021 !!!

 It's that time of the year again! (Just scroll down a bit for the poll and the instructions!). 

Who do you think was the star-player in the storylines of the B&B this year? Keep
in mind, this shouldn't necessarily be about voting for your favorite character, (although
 you can, if you want to). Ideally, this poll should be about voting for the character who
 really had a groundbreaking year in the B&B stories. (For example, Breyer may have angered
a lot of readers with his actions this past year, but he certainly qualifies as Person of the Year
because he was at the center of a major storyline for a good chunk of the year!). 

Voting ends on Thursday, December 30th at 
5:00 pm EST. Winner will be announced
 and the crowning ceremony will commence later on that evening. You can only vote
 once, so think carefully about your vote! (As always, in the unlikely event of a tie, or
if the poll is somehow compromised, the winner will be determined in a separate poll on the 
Kyle's B&B Patreon supporters page). 

To cast your vote, scroll down and you'll see 
the poll options. Pick your person and vote! 
(Please note.... if you don't see your vote tallied after you place your vote, don't worry....
 you just need to refresh your browser's page after your vote has been placed to see it reflected
 in the totals). In years past, for some viewers the poll did not show up on their screen. It seems
 to not show up on some mobile  devices. If you can get to a desktop or laptop, that may work 
for you.  And if you don't have access to either of those devices, you can e-mail me your vote privately
 and I will add it to the totals). Email me at 


WranglerMan said...

I voted for Kyle. He's made a break this year. Good on him! He deserves to end the year on a bright note. I look forward to a new chapter for him.

RBS7079 said...

...wellie, well WELL, it's that TIME AGAIN! "⏰"...ha-HAA!! ...While I was about to make my OBVIOUS choice for Kyle, I thought about Breyer's 'about face', in character, & how he angered a LOT of readers, with his gaslighting, ambivalent emotions, & lack of input into salvaging into the relationship....

...So, I chose HIM as my MOTY, because, he DAMN sure had People talkin'! ...Kyle's fearful, wishy-washy demeanor within the story-arc bugged me, but I was gonna give it to him, due to the breakup...BUT, realizing that he actually HELPED it happen (MY opinion)...

...Also, as we know, many of the OTHER B&B'ers were MIA this year, so I think this SHOULD be based on 'appearance', and NOT just 'likeability'...MY opinion, again...

So it should be a 3-way between Darren, Kyle & Breyer....hmmmmm, THAT wouldn't be a BAD thing to 'view' now, WOULD it!?? "😜" ...ha-HAAA!!


krzysk said...

Price! 🥰 He's the villain and lover I need in my life 💕

J.D. said...

I voted for Drew, even though he didn't get a lot of "screen time" this year. He was a voice of reason, charming, and very hot! I considered voting for Darren or Price because both of them are showing some growth as characters.


Frank said...

I'm thrilled Greg has expanded to Person of the Year and included Delia - she definitely needs more props. Might I suggest including Steve in the future? He is only occasional (would be nice to see him appear other than Christman) yet always imparts helpful wisdom, much like Delia. Happy New Year!