Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Episode # 583 - January 11th, 2022

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RBS7079 said...
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RBS7079 said...

...UH-OH, there's turbulence in Comic Book land....

..I think we're getting to the gist of Darren's sexuality, now... P.S., are those tights Darr's wearing, or shorts OVER white tights!?

...either WAY, he's got a healthy 'bounce' in front of him! ...ha-HAAA!!

...It seems Ed (who's BACK to his old hairdo), wants Darren to adapt to his antiquated Gay lifestyle (nightclubs, partying, etc. ..), when Darr feels more at ease with his 'geeky' hobby, and a more insular way of living...Brad DOES embody the same way of living, and it WOULD make sense, that Darren & Brad bond over Comic Books....QUIETLY...

...YES, Ed DID meet Darren first, but Friends gravitate to who they feel most 'comfortable' with; I feel Darren may NOT be Gay, but wouldn't it be a KICKER, if Darr & Brad got together!???

...BOTH over 6 feet,with BIG juicy Tits, clean vanilla skin & BIG booty on Brad....sturdy back, STRONG - ASS Legs & rich, chocolate skin, on Darr, with that BIG nightstick he's carryin' 'round.....mmmmm....

....CLEARLY, my Coffee's TOO strong today! ...ha-HAAA!!


Unknown said...

I wonder if Darren is just a guy who identifies as a nerd first and gay second. I can relate.

Although it wouldn't be the first time Brad ended up dating a straight guy (if I'm remembering the story of that other baseball player correctly).

Brad and Darren would make a cute couple. And the drama from Eduardo and Price would be amazing. I'd love to see that.

-- Thom H.

RBS7079 said...

@Thom H. :

"...Brad and Darren would make a cute couple, And the drama from Eduardo and Price would be amazing...." ...I thought that TOO!

Brad & Darren ALREADY looks smokin' Hot together, but I did find the interaction with Darren & Price REALLY hot...Darren gave off 'dominant Top' energy with Price, and, Price's juicy Ass was READY for it!

Price CAN'T mess w/ Darr, but Eduardo never really gave off any sexual longing for Darren (even though he came on REAL strong at the beginning, but that just Ed); he wants Darren as a FRIEND, and Brad is swoopin' in REAL quick, with those Comic Books...

..to be VERY honest, I'm getting a bit miffed that Brad seems to get constant storyline time; If Jaime came back, after saying he was falling in Love w/ Brad, YEAH, but....

- what about Sergei, is he gonna make it, w/ Alexi!? ..is Rudy dating? ...Is Jeremy gonna marry Mannis to keep him here, in the USA? ...Is Richard still pining for Kristian? ...Is Drew thinking about Marriage (& moving out of the B&B), w/ Lance!? ...Will Brey come back and profess his love for Kyle?

...."Drama" is ABOUND, and, it doesn't have to be contained in tighty-whiteys, k'know....jus'sayin'.....


Frank said...

Is Darren confirmed gay, questioning or a closeted heterosexual? One thing for sure he seems to be shopping for apparel with Richard, unless that's a superhero costume.
I don't think Price will like this friendship, he'll be forced to read comic books (ahem, graphic novels) to compete. It seems new that Brad is a comic fan, not remembering that having appeared before.

@RBS7079: Sergei and Alexei are definitely having some vodka together. Rudy is still pining for Clarence, and hurting from being burned by Terrance). Jeremy is Canadian, can't help Mannis stay in U.S. and I'm hoping they don't both leave for Vancouver. Maybe an arranged marriage of convenience with Eduardo. Richard misses Kristian, but secretly infatuated with Price. Drew is thinking about marriage, Lance thinking about having Alabama in-laws so they're at an impasse, Brey is working as a forest ranger where he and his colleagues keep each other warm out in the woods.

RBS7079 said...


....well, Frank shut ME up, dinn' HE!? ...ha-HAA!! ...He answered ALL my questions! ...BUT, Bradie-Boy IS a COMIC geek, he stated so, in his 'early years' Episodes, just not as 'gung ho', as Darren....

renanthesecond2 said...

One thing that I think that could happen is Coach Tom reapeared divorce and exploring his sexuality, and he and Kyle have an one-night stand.

Josep said...

I think Darren and Brad fit more than Eduardo and Darren. They have more in common, but it's rude to reject someone's plan and seconds later agree on other's guy plan in front of him. Darren did wrong here.

Unknown said...

Agreed. Had it happen--only worse: they went off and did MY plans!

JM said...

Cock Block!!

Jack said...

I will say this: I think that Darren and Lance should be a couple. But...if that doesn't work, I think that Darren and Price would make a good couple because Darren will not put up with Price's stuff! Brad is just moronish in nature, so I don't think that he'd be good with anyone. Poor Eduardo, he OBVIOUSLY has a type, but I honestly don't think that Darren is into him, speaking of which: is Darren even gay...? ALso: yes, it's time Lance and Drew got married or at least meet the in-laws. I STILL think that Lance should be with either Kristian, Darren, or Matthias...


ethan2chris said...

Maybe they should just skip the in-laws phase; in-laws are the curse of
marriage, whether gay or straight.

Now, straights will never be smart or strong enough to withstand the custom of having to put up with the in-laws, as there will be terrible pressure put on them. Parents think they own you, and if you try to deny them, they'll scream, scream, and scream again until they get what they want.

Gays, however, have always been innovative and could thus create a new tradition in which spouses keep their parents to themselves rather than subject each other to control by two strangers.

And please don't tell me about your marvelous in-laws. They may be marvelous, but that isn't at all a common situation. Typically, your MIL will criticize your cooking. Your FIL will scorn your job, watch, and car. And they'll continually ask for money.

WranglerMan said...

Sorry, that I'm late to this rodeo, but...

Darren looks like sex on a stick!

Brad is so white bread and mayonnaise.

And Eduardo...swoon worthy!

Joule said...

1st Let's kill all that noise about Brad and Darren getting together because it will never happen, at the most they'll become best friends 2nd If you've been paying very close attention the chemistry between Darren & Eduardo was established by episode 531 & by episode 533 it was clear Darren was trying to figure out how to define what was happening between him & Eduardo.

In clear Greg Fox he's laid out the clues as to what's going to happen and he's going to draw it on for a minute to keep you guessing, and when the it's the right time we'll see Darren & Eduardo are a couple.