Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Episode # 568 - June 15th, 2021

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Frank said...

Well, a lot to discuss here. As always, excellent artwork Greg, especially the facial expressions. One note: I'd like a referral to Drew's trainer - it's a challenge to build calves larger than one's head.

I am confused by Richard's reaction here - is he not the man who made advances towards Breyer years back (which Breyer didn't pursue and told informed Greg)? It angered Kyle and got Richard tossed out of the BnB. Presently, it's one thing to be supportive of Kyle, though Richard - who breaks laws to get the dirt or truth on people on a regular basis and enlists others to do the same - could be a bit more understanding. He not in the best position to argue ethics.

The real issue, as Richard correctly stated, was Breyer gaslighting Kyle, making him feel guilty about the accusations. As in politics, the scandal is usually the coverup rather than the transgression. A more honest approach: "Kyle - I was taking a wizz in what turned out to be a sex forest. A guy groped me, I groped back and we had a no-strings encounter. It was hot, but I feel guilty plus Darren and Eduardo saw me there. I'm so sorry - can you forgive me?" We'll see where this leads as the problem is no longer a tryst, it's trust. Hopefully this story moves on at some point. It's nice to see Kyle have a storyline in his house; it's been a full six months on this story and I suspect many are bored it's unfolded so slowly.

On to Drew: it's nice to see him. His friendly advice could indeed constitute a patient/counselor relationship. Payment need not be exchanged - much confidential counseling happens without payment (clinics, schools, churches, workplace, prisons, etc.). Drew did encourage truthful disclosure, but ultimately it's not his "secret" to share.

More on Drew - nice nod to the Olympics on his crop top. I am a bit surprised about his briefs. We get he loves his home state of Alabama, but why is a gay white man with a black partner wearing Confederate flag briefs? It's also depicted a few days before Juneteenth (a tradition started in Texas) which is from where the other black guy in the BnB hails. Most conversations acknowledge that flag isn't really about "heritage", and represents a part of our history we shouldn't forget though certainly not "celebrate" by parading around in it. Would love to hear if anyone else noticed.

Tchau, Frank

RBS7079 said...

@ Frank:

...pa-POW!💥 ...HA-HAAA!! ...You REALLY said it ALL, din'cha!?? ...I always think my messy comments don't have 'focus'; your reads like the CONSTITUTION!📜...ha-HAAA!! >juskiddin<

...FIRST: ...you got a keen eye about the 'flag' briefs, but, I think Greg just thinks they're 'retro' and H*O*T, especially on Drew; Mark Spitz had HIS moment in 'em in 1973, Drew brings 'em into the NOW! ...I thought he would pull out the 'Daisy Dukes' when he finally ran into Kyle, tho, ha-HAAA!! ((🍑)) "🥴"

...SECOND; ...speaking of 'running into'...Richard's got GALL, doesn't HE!?? ...First to tell EVERYONE at the B&B about Brey's tryst, after ED only told Kyle, got Darren (a BLACK rookie Cop) to garner GOVERNMENTAL footage, did the aformentioned things Sir Frank said above, and rags on Drew for being UNETHICAL!?

...Chile, that HAIRSTYLE in 'unethical'!😬 ...I get Rich's anger, but this is unguided anger, at BEST...Drew COULD'VE said something, but it ain't HIS relationship.....

..THIRD: ...this story-line needs to stop, NOW. Not only it's taking away from other characters, It's more or less indicated the relationship w/ Kyle & Breyer is OVER...so, is why isn't this STORY-LINE!? ..Drew's (admittedly smokin' HOT) appearance, only shows how MISSED the other B&B'ers are, & we need to get back to their lives; Is Ed graduating from College? ..Is Rudy dating? ..will Mannis go back to Scotland..with Jeremy? ..Is Brad gonna make a move on Kyle?

... I wanted 'action' at the B&B...for ALL the Guys! ..I truly DO commend Sir Greg for giving this to us bi-weekly, but my coffee makes me ANXIOUS, Man! "😵" ..HA-HAAAA!!

...controversial posting this week, Greg, whad'ya thoughts now, about those BRIEFS!? "😳"!! ...HA-HAAA!!


Unknown said...

I was too busy looking at Drew's ass to notice the print! Drew was in an informal client situation. He was right to keep Breyer's confidence. Besides, if he had spoken to Kyle, nobody would ever confide in him again. I agree with Frank above-tryst vs trust. Had Brey come clean in January,the Kyle I know would have forgiven and forgotten. But SIX months of lies,guilt-trips, and drama are termites in the foundation of a relationship. I still say (based on experience) that Brey finally confessed because he was CAUGHT. Ah, Richard...Yes, he is being rather pompous and dramatic, isn't he? Of COURSE he is!! He's Richard!! He is acting exactly as I expect. Just like Brad punching Brey. Greg knows his characters.
Mr. Graham, I humbly suggest you move on. I personally do not trust Brey any further than I could throw his beefy,hairy body. You have 0 future with him. He can't hold a job, has no goals,is a Liar, cannot realistically move into the B&B, and you cannot move out. Brey reminds me of an Alfa Romeo Spider I had. Hot as hell looks/total LEMON. Traded on a lowly Pontiac Sunbird. Humble, but totally reliable. Give me a good average guy over a Muscle Queen (Nick's term!) any day.

Unknown said...

Some of the individual episodes of this storyline are less riveting than others (my favorites are when Kyle and Breyer argue), but I like that the theme seems to be "moral grey areas."

Breyer didn't intend to cheat, but got caught up in the moment. Richard and Darren illegally(?) accessed police surveillance to catch him out and help Kyle. At the same time, Drew was being a friend/counselor to Breyer by keeping his secret.

I get the feeling that Kyle and Breyer's relationship is the black hole at the center of the B&B, and other characters are getting sucked into its gravitational pull. If that means their storylines are put on hold for a bit, I'm okay with that.

I have to agree that Drew's briefs seem uncharacteristic for him at the very least. He seems too sensitive to others' feelings to parade around in offensive symbols.

-- Thom H.

Frank said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Frank said...


Good morning Sir - hope you're not mad I posted the first comment - had to get to work early; NJ Transit waits for no one!

I agree about the hairstyle but didn't want to be too critical.

Speaking of critique - I hope Greg isn't offended - I don't suggest anything negative about his character - Greg features probably the most diverse cast of characters in comics. My criticism is about context. It actually would not surprise me to see Price walk around in such briefs, if he wore any in the house. Considering Drew is with Lance, and Greg featured a strip where Lance recalled a painful racism encounter with an ex, it seems anachronistic Drew would wear these. Sorry, I was an editor, I spot everything.

That flag is controversial to be sure - many Southern states have replaced it or no longer fly it. An example of context (and sorry to be depressing): South Carolina long defended flying Confederate flag at their Capitol. The man who murdered 9 ppl at the church in Charleston celebrated that flag and for what it stood. S. Carolina recognized having mourners paying respects to the slain churchgoers (lying in state at its Capitol) would have to pass beneath that flag upon entry illustrated why it's inappropriate and needed to change.

Outside situations like that, to many it's just a colorful flag, or heritage, or something painted atop the General Lee car. It's not a new conversation, even Golden Girl characters debated the issue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqlvUCjnUec
Also for context - swastikas (illegal in Germany) were for thousands of years a spiritual religious symbol - a positive symbol. It's seen in lots of tilework and architecture to this day. Unfortunately there's also the negative context and one would hardly wear briefs full of colorful swastikas despite the other heritage they represent.

Thank you and keep up your great art and narratives Greg - we all look forward to your strips! Just maybe some new stories - perhaps a BnB hike in Everhard Woods! Hope everyone is having a happy Pride month, especially considering the pandemic which continues to impact many lives. - Frank

RBS7079 said...

@ Frank:

"..I agree about the hairstyle but didn't want to be too critical..."

...WELL, leave that to ME, 'cause I HATE it! "😤"...ha-HAAA!! ..Bubby, you have NUTHIN' to fret about, when it comes to your opinion; You don't come from a place of ire, or antagonistic purpose... you SPOTTED something that had a 'meaning', & wanted to EDUCATE... I'VE learned something...no WONDER you're on the NJ transit!! ..ha-HAA!! >jus'kiddin<

...I think Greg is of a particular Gay generation, that...ummm...'felt' something, when Mark Spitz wiggled around, in those brief-y Speedos, in 1973, and, wanted to bring it to 2021, on a Hot character...I'm sure he doesn't see the implications it had / has, in relation to it's racial undertones... They're just HOT briefs, that turned his crank once, as a Kid...

...I remember when MY 'crank' exploded, when I saw "Starsky" (Paul Michael Glaser) slide over that car on "Starsky & Hutch" in 1975, In those hot, tight Jeans, with that tight, juicy ASS...."🥴"...

...Where was I goin', with THIS!???🤔 ...ha-HAAA!!


Frank said...

Last comment I promise! Since we're in Olympic trials + Drew is wearing Olympic crop, Greg was likely paying homage to Mark Spitz' iconic speedos (as suggested by RBS7079 earlier). I can understand that context; sorry I had not considered that. I doubt Spitz would select this design if competing today for reasons I mentioned. Perhaps Drew could wear a speedo inspired by Captain America or Wonder Woman's flag-themed costumes(Greg being a superhero fan might agree). Or follow fellow Southerner Price and wear only a top.

Greg Fox said...

Hi, everyone, just wanted to jump in here and say that speedo swimsuit Drew is wearing is NOT a confederate flag design... that is the exact design the US Olympic swim team wore, (most famously by Mark Spitz), in the 1972 Olympics. The confederate flag does not have red stripes in it, and the stars on the confederate flag are in an "X" crossed pattern, not in vertical stripes. There's NO WAY Drew would be caught dead wearing a confederate flag!

OK, back to work... thanks, as always for your comments!

Archmago said...

Although I concur with Thoms's point that: "Drew's briefs seem uncharacteristic for him..." its more likely that his apparent "Mark Spitz" fixation had trumped any sense of modesty? Besides that... he IS at home, and was un-expectedly waylaid by Richard, whilst he had padded down to the kitchen to mix himself the appropriate glass of Tang to go with his signature Spitz:"wet-just-outta-the-pool"comb-down hair style, vintage design 72 US Olympic Speedo, and logoed T (albeit the 2010 color "linked-rings" version) which he had likely donned to get-into-the Olympic-spirit, while up in his room and watching on TV the U.S. Swimming & Diving pre-trials, for the pending Olympiad this summer in Japan

P.S.: Great way to underscore just how utterly incensed Richard is in this episode!
His intense anger is well highlighted as we see his passionate rhetoric has caused his usually flawless coiffure (also intense & well highlighted!) to become uncharacteristically: "askew"! ;-)

RBS7079 said...

....See!? I KNEW Sir Greg knew his SPEEDOS! ha-HAAA!!

...Mark Spitz had a HUGE 'cheescake' Poster in 1973, which was a FIRST for a Man to have a top-selling Poster, at the time (Burt Reynolds "Playgirl" spread, came after)....Mark also (unknowingly) set off the "Macho Man" look, that was prevalent in the 70's; It crossed over to Gay Men, who wanted a more 'butch' image, that coincided with the 70's Gay Movement....all influenced, by a SWIMMER, in the Olympics! ...ha-HAAA!!

...Ah well, he also got Men to expose FLESH, and, we wouldn't have Drew rockin' bikinis N' crop-tops in 2021 because of it, So, let's Thank MARK, this PRIDE MONTH! ...Greg DID! ..ha-HAAA!! "😆"((🩲))


Shaun said...

Interesting. I can see why people thought it what they did. The blue stripe w/ stars pattern and white piping is one you see on Confederate flag but not in US flag. I thought it might be Olympic related - whoever designed Olympic uniforms back then didn't do their research. Or worse, maybe they did.

When is the barn wing opening at the B and B? Some new or past guests could stay there. Or some occasional visitors who aren't staying in Hamptons and Fire Island. Or Kyle could open a restaurant in there. I'm guessing it won't serve Breyer's ice cream.

Ridor said...

Many years ago in DC, I walked in on and caught my female best friend's husband fucking the other woman. His wife was out of town. I knew his wife longer than this dude. This dude met me the next day and asked me to keep it quiet. I exploded. I said, "No, you tell her or I will .. you have 7 days to do so."

He did in 5 days. Fuck him.

Mi Ci said...

So Richard is incensed? Talk about pot calling kettle. Richard should stfu and stay out of peoples lives but he wont as he lives just to spite others.

And in response to Ridors comment-
thats a very dangerous line to cross.
regardless of the situation .sure the guy was trash but its not your business to blackmail someone.

WranglerMan said...

I wish someone would tell Richard to shut up and MYOB, after they tell him to toss those bananas from his forehead.

Love the homage to the '72 Olympic hero, Mark Spitz, Greg. It wasn't until years later that I realized why my 8 year old self found him so intriguing.

RBS7079 said...

@ WranglerMan:

...Speedos are ALWAYS 'intriguing'!! ..ha-HAAA!! ....MAN, my fixation on those small pieces of farbic; Parker Stevenson, Steve Guttenberg, Tom Selleck, John James ("Dynasty"), Paul Michael Glaser, Bo & Luke Duke, Willie Ames, Patrick Duffy, Gregory Harrison, Jon-Erik Hexum, Lou Ferrigno, Wojo ("Barney Miller"), Ed Asner, Gene Anthony Ray, Greg Lougainis, Ray Victory, Jon Hensely ("As The World Turns"), Tony Danza, Gary Sandy ("WKRP"),Jean Claude Van Damme, Joe Penny, Alec Baldwin....

....ah we Ol' Farts had it GOOD back in the day, 'cause ALL these dudes wore Speedos!! ...With age, comes.....CHAPPED HANDS! ...ha-HAAA!! ((🩲)) 🧴👋 "🥴"


Unknown said...

Agreed. This era we live in where hot men where drapes ("board shorts") is frustrating. Spartacus (Starz) gave us endless manflesh. Dave Bautista and Luke Evans wear Speedos at the beach. We are still in a straight-male dominated world--a straight dude will wear drapes, but his girl wears the equivalent of dental floss. I am 64 and fit. I wear Speedos at my complex's pool. Gives the hottest tan lines too!

Unknown said...

PS--It is impossible to SWIM in board shorts

ben25 said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I think Richard is incensed because HE was not confided in, or he did not get the dirt, he feels that Drew is stealing his thunder

Drew was right to not tell Kyle, that was not his story to tell and blackmail is not the way to go (either you tell him or I will)

as for Drew's attire.... why is he ever allowed to wear clothing? (Drew, Brayer & Jeff Olsen - yes Jeff needs to make a come back) need to start being nudists, with Rudy egging them on every chance he gets LOL