Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Episode # 628 - October 3rd, 2023 ⚖️

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ComixFan said...

Yeah!! Happy outcome for Levi - and it moves him out of the strip AND it sets up a "Hawaii - Eastern branch" of the B&B!

Now the characters can "go visit Levi" and stay in Hawaii!

Good resolution!


ComixFan said...

I meant "Western branch of the B&B"!

Assessing the amount of Levi's award:
1 Rent in Hawaii: $2,076/month 592 sq. ft., one-bed room apartment
times 60 months (5 years) = $124,560

2 Job as a pharmacist: $140-180K per year. Take the highest number: $180,000

3. Cash award of $120,000

Total award: $244,560 + ($180,000 annual salary X5 years =) $900,000= $1,144,560 for a five year period. Levin nets.

I'm assuming taxes are not an issue - he would have to pay taxes on his salary, unless he negotiated something to net $180,000 after taxes.

The pharmacy chain saved $8,855,440!

But, they also saved the costs of a jury trial and the cost of appealing a verdict. Those costs could also be covered by insurance taken out by the company for litigation. Also, the company probably already has a law firm on retainer, so the costs would be somewhat contained. Litigation is expensive.

Levi - has the money NOW, instead of 10 years from now or never. He also has certainty and a final resolution to this situation. He has his good name back, which is probably the most important thing of all to him.

Ha - It's fun using imaginary scenarios to evaluate potential outcomes!


RBS7079 said...


....jeeeeeeeeezus is Comixfan good with a calculator, or WHAT!?? ...That was some serious 'evaluation', I'm quite impressed...

; )

RBS7079 said...

...BUTT, not as impressed as those juicy ASSES on some of the B&B'ers! ...Sergei has been MIA, but his rump came back in FULL FORCE! ...ha-HAA!! (pnls.7 & 9)

...and speaking of 'rump', Levi seems to have cleared his name, got his Job back, & got a comfortable settlement, Thanks to Jason (who seemed to get a bit horny for that 10M, a bit, though....) ....

...but, it seemed Levi just wanted a better Life for himself... I don't know if Greg is doing away w/ this character, but... I don't wanna see him GO!

...I wanted to see him coming and GOING, with that big BOOTY he had! ...BUTT, I guess Sergei can fill the void! ..ha-HAAA!!


jjt said...

Does Brad even own a pair of pants?

Synnerman said...

Enh... this is a tort that should have went to trial.

Daddy Johnnie said...

Where can I find the thread where Levi is fired?

RBS7079 said...

@Daddy Johnnie:

....It wasn't a 'thread' per se, but a 'recounting'; It was Ep #613, where Levi told what happened to him to Richard when he was getting his Hair cut....but thank GOD he went back to the 'shag', it's MUCH more fitting for him....

...Oh, I don't want Levi to GO! ..He seems more 'real' than the other characters; schleppy-esque, cute, hairy, bit of a paunch...JUICY ASS (that Greg won't let us see...), sweet....

...His Pharmacist position would be demanding, but I can see him hanging at the B&B for a bit...AND, with his Bisexuality, he would be 'unreadable' to whom he becomes romantic with...will he get with Kyle? ...or, a Girl!??

...and, he would step up his 'Body Game', with built STUDS all around him, TOO!! ...he already has them beat, in the ASS department.... ; )


CQA said...

What a slacker shyster, that Jason: spend years to scrap $10M that would not be worth the initial $10M anymore, minus the costs, of all kinds, to gain that... if ever, when you could surpass that value during the same amount of time with those initial $120,000.

Besides, Levi just wanted his job back, not to hit some jackpot at court.


Frank said...

Jason was legally and morally right to push for a larger settlement; though $10 million is a shock, $1 million an easier pill in litigation. $120K ($72K after attorney fees working on contingency) is too little considering Levi's loss of job, home, health, reputation and nearly freezing to death. And that's the sanitized KyleBnB version, actual homelessness is much harsher, especially in places where such people are far less welcome, like the real Northport LI. Levi's counter offer was quite reasonable - makes him whole, restores his previous life and even fulfills a dream to live in Hawai'i. I would have asked attorney fees to be covered, and paying off his student loans as well, and maybe minimum $200K.

In any case, Levi goes to Hawai'i which offers opportunity to be visited by the housemates, or return as a guest - maybe for a wedding for Lance and Drew, or Eduardo and Darren. Perhaps even Kyle, if things go nicely with the Coach. It would be nice to see Jason continue as a character, and also some others we don't hear from: Delia, Nick, Dave and Rudy.

RBS7079 said...


...here, HERE! ...I think we ALL knew Levi could've easily gotten more, but was MUCH more reasonable than the horny Jason....and speaking of.....

...I would also like to se Jase be added on to The B&B; He seems to be Filipino, an ethnicity NEVER added to the strip, and he's got a (reasonably)ruthless, horny vibe... we NEED a 'ballbuster' amongst these Big, sweet....yet, BORING Guys...

...I thought MANNIS was gonna be the 'hothead' of the B&B, fights, yelling, arguments w/ the persnickety types (Rich, Price, etc.), but, he just....vanished....

...Nick & Dave / Delia & Lisa need more voice, too...they are the COMMITTED characters, and could give the Guys more insight to living harmoniously with a Married spouse....something that the (long missing) Lance & Drew NEEDS, to show the Boys....

...I'm aware it's a strip, and there are MANY characters, but they ALL have something to offer, hot BODS, aside....and let's hope we get to see Levi BEND OVER before he splits! ...ha-HAAA!


RustedElk said...

Love that even when everyone else is fully dressed in the middle of the day, Brad is still chilling in some tighty whities. Truly a man after my own heart.

DevilDog2001 said...

Why does it look like Levi's crotch is saying "Oh, stop?" Who's actually saying this: Richard or Levi?